We love summer, but with it comes an increased risk of sun poisoning, heat-related illness, dehydration, and skin cancer. In fact, skin cancer is the most prevalent disease in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, there is a higher number of diagnoses each year compared to all other types of cancer combined. The majority of nonmelanoma skin cancers, accounting for around 90 percent, are linked to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Today we’re sharing prevention strategies, signs of heat-related illness, and recommended products to BE KIND to your skin. So, grab some shades and maybe even your favorite floppy sun hat because it’s time to soak up the sun and HAVE FUN this summer!
Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion Prevention:
We hope you found this week’s Summer Safety Blog on heat-related illness, heat stroke, exhaustion, sun poisoning, and skin cancer prevention enlightening and helpful. By implementing the suggested preventive measures and exploring the recommended products, you can enjoy the sun while keeping yourself safe and protected. Remember to stay hydrated, seek shade during peak hours, use sunscreen, and wear protective clothing. Stay sun-smart and kind, and have a wonderful time under the sun!
Published on June 21, 2023
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