Our Values


People First

  • Student-centric
  • Personal growth
  • Societal give-back
  • Inclusion Respect

Relationships Matter

  • Integrity and dignity
  • Listen and learn
  • Walk our talk
  • Show gratitude
  • Have fun


  • Innovate
  • Provide solutions
  • Replicate
  • Measure
  • Transform

Strong Infrastructure

  • Evidence-based
  • Talent
  • Technology
  • Training Eye on future


  • Deliver on promises
  • Collaboration
  • Value-added
  • Social enterprise
  • Impact


The Be Kind People Project defines kindness as: “a word or gesture that intentionally extends good to others.”

This is a statement without exceptions. Kindness has no racial, socio-economic, ethnic, religious, political, gender, age, sexual orientation, or personal abilities boundaries. Kindness goes to the very heart of how people honor, respect, communicate with, and treat one another. The Be Kind People Project is committed to operate fully embracing kindness as its set of core values and standard for diversity.

The Be Kind People Project does not tolerate discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, age, disability, or national origin. This policy applies to all programs and services as well as staff and governing board members.

Kindness to all – without exceptions – reflects what we know, what we do, how we act, and who we are. Furthermore, we believe that any gesture or word of kindness is a purposeful decision that each person can make for the betterment of others. Therefore, the extension of kindness among all people does, in fact, have the potential to break down boundaries in society and create a better sense of understanding, community, and acceptance. Kindness is a necessary cornerstone for peace, order, and civility.

Diversity is also a priority embedded as a core essential in everything The Be Kind People Project does in its work. We believe that we can connect with and teach students only if they clearly realize that our approach to them is authentic and based on respect for every individual. We hold ourselves and all who work with us in any way accountable to the highest standards of non-discrimination and with the expectation to be genuine representatives of the true spirit of kindness for all people.

The Be Kind Pledge

The Be Kind People Project serves youth wherever and however they learn. 94% of the students directly served by The Be Kind People Project are in Title 1 schools. Over 60% are African American and Latino, with significant Asian and Native American populations also directly served in several of our regions of operation. THE BE KIND CREW, support staff, and volunteers reflect cultural, personal, and racial diversity as representatives to the students and teachers in the schools we serve. We strive to continually and intentionally be sensitive to and have an attitude of constant improvement in our diversity representation.

The Be Kind People operates with The Be Kind Pledge as its foundation for all relationships with other people. Furthermore, each individual associated with The Be Kind People Project, including employees, volunteers, and the Board is held to the highest standards of personal and professional conduct in dealings with others, including an unwavering expectation of interpersonal relationships and integrity at all times that reflect the principles and skills of The Be Kind Pledge.

Learn More about The Be Kind People Project®

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