The BE KIND Move Across America Fitness Challenge will encourage students and teachers to be more fit, healthy, and kind. Challenge yourself to the first classroom fitness challenge that integrates fitness, academics, and character development!
The Program includes a subscription to the online fitness application, classroom maps, academic lessons, activities, and crafts.
Lessons, projects, and activities are written to national academic, character education, and health standards to bring kindness into the classroom. Used throughout the program, national standards are conveniently included on every page so that you can adapt them to any curriculum, program, or state standard.
Active Learning Research tells us that children and adolescents spend an average of 6 and 8 hours per day in sedentary behaviors. Our goal is to change this statistic with the assistance of BE KIND Move Across America.
Learning how to use the pedometers took typically boring topics and turned them into engaging life skills that were user friendly.
I have recommended this program to other teachers. Our whole school is doing it and we love it!
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