Wellness Wednesday emails are designed to provide you with simple tools, information, and resources to encourage positive and healthy lifestyle choices. As a proud recipient of The Healthy Arizona Worksite Award, The Be Kind People Project is committed to the health and wellness of their employees, friends, and family.
A quick check-in…
Have you ever experienced extreme tiredness and exhaustion? Have you ever woken up in the morning but felt as though you did not get a solid hour of sleep? Do you feel extra sleepy during the day and suffer from headaches, sore muscles, and dizziness? Do you have a hard time making decisions and feel like your brain is moving in slow motion?
If you answered yes to these questions, then there is a strong possibility you are suffering from chronic fatigue.
What causes fatigue?
The Mayo Clinic breaks fatigue into two different categories for you to understand what level you may be experiencing. Most people may experience some form from an easily identifiable source that usually subsides by getting the much-needed rest you need. However, if you cannot find the source of your tiredness and it becomes debilitating to your daily activities and overall function, this can impact your mental and physical health.
Ask yourself some questions:
Asking these questions can help give you some answers to some potential causes that can be self-remedied. If you have answered these questions, and nothing is ringing a bell, then it is time to schedule a visit to your primary care physician (PCP). Your PCP will guide what your next steps should be, any extra tests, and treatments.
How can I find relief?
While chronic fatigue can be a symptom of a more serious issue, temporary fatigue can usually be easily identified and can be relieved through some modifications by you after examining your habits and daily routine.
Invest in rest
Fatigue and daytime sleepiness can significantly affect the way you think, work, behave and make everyday decisions; if you are struggling with fatigue have a serious check in with yourself and get help if you need it. You will feel better once you get the help you need.
Published December 16th, 2020
By Karina Bettis, School Wellness Programs and Events Intern
Questions? Comments? Want to contribute to the Wellness Wednesday Bulletin?
Send your ideas to Krysta Flores at krysta@bkpp.org.
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