Wellness Wednesday emails are designed to provide you with simple tools, information, and resources to encourage positive and healthy lifestyle choices. As a proud recipient of The Healthy Arizona Worksite Award, The Be Kind People Project is committed to the health and wellness of their employees, friends, and family.
Why are vegetables important?
Choosemyplate.gov recommends that you eat 2 ½ cups of vegetables per day for women and 3 cups per day for men but why? Vegetables contain phytonutrients and fiber – two essential building blocks your body needs to function. Vegetables are rich in most of the vitamins and minerals your body needs as well.
What counts as a vegetable?
Vegetables can break down into five subgroups:
How can you incorporate more veggies into your diet?
If you are not a vegetable lover, getting your daily recommended amount can feel overwhelming and unsatisfying. Below is a list of the many ways you start to enjoy vegetables in a way that is fun and tasty.
Eat the Rainbow!
Start searching the web, or find a cooking video and try a new recipe. Search the list of vegetables, pick a new vegetable you have not tried, and cook with it every day of the week.
Meet the Author: Karina Bettis, School Wellness Programs and Events Intern
Karina Bettis is currently completing her senior year as a nutrition major at Arizona State University. She is currently interning with the Be Kind People Project to complete her degree, as well as gain fieldwork experience. Karina is also a mom of a sassy and hilarious 6-year-old girl and loves dancing, baking, and nail art. She is excited to begin her journey with this company and learn all that she can during her time here. Her goal, once graduating, is to work in the public health field for either a non-profit company or her local county to help educate and promote health and wellness for all walks of life.
Karina’s favorite Be Kind pledge is Be Helpful. Being helpful and volunteering your time can help improve your overall mood and feel more content in life.
Published 18th, 2020
By Karina Bettis, School Wellness Programs and Events Intern
Questions? Comments? Want to contribute to the Wellness Wednesday Bulletin?
Send your ideas to Krysta Flores at krysta@bkpp.org.
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