Not so well this Wednesday?

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

Wellness Wednesday emails are designed to provide you with simple tools, information, and resources to encourage positive and healthy lifestyle choices. As a proud recipient of The Healthy Arizona Worksite Award, The Be Kind People Project is committed to the health and wellness of their employees, friends, and family.

What is the deal with immunity?

Your immune system has something to do with the reason we get the common cold and why the CDC recommends getting the flu shot every year. This year, however, has seen more immunity talk than previous years due to COVID-19. Our nation has been receiving new health information every day, with public figures using the pandemic as a jumping-off point to sell herbal supplements that they claim will “boost” your immune system. But what does that even mean?

What is immunity?

Immunity stems from the immune system in the body and medical terms. Merriam-Webster defines immunity as “being able to resist a particular disease, especially through preventing the development of a pathogenic microorganism or by counteracting the effects of its products.”

  • Immune system: Protects your body from harmful substances, germs, and cell changes that make you sick. This system is composed of organs, cells, and proteins.
  • There are two subsystems within the immune system: Innate (non-specific) and Adaptive (specific)
    • Innate: This is your body’s natural defense to fight germs that enter the body.
    • Adaptive: This is the “learning” immune system. It creates antibodies to use to fight against germs you are exposed to that may be unknown to your innate immune system and changes as your environments change.

Can you actually boost your immune system?

Technically, you cannot boost your immune system, as it functions properly or has been weakened and is no longer functioning optimally. Your immune system is complex, and taking a “miracle pill” or eating a superfood won’t be the “quick fix” your body needs. Your immune system requires many different connections that also need to be in good condition. When the immune system is working correctly, you are healthy with zero signs of sickness. When your immune system is not working correctly, that’s when you become sick.

  • How do you keep your immune system strong and healthy?
    • The immune system “requires balance and harmony” to function. According to Harvard Health, it requires constant maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.
      • Avoid using tobacco products.
      • Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
      • Exercise regularly.
      • Maintain a healthy weight.
      • Get enough sleep each night.
      • Practice good hygiene – washing your hands throughout the day before eating, before and after preparing food, and before touching your face.
      • Cook meat thoroughly.
      • Do your best to minimize stress.

What disrupts, or weakens, the immune system?

The immune system changes frequently, and it is up to you to make sure it can adapt and stay healthy. Sometimes, things can happen to you that can permanently damage or weaken your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to new and old illnesses.

  • Age: If you are over the age of 65, there is a strong chance that you have a weakened immune system. As you age, your adaptive immune system’s ability to learn reduces. Scientists believe a lack of variety in the diet, which is linked to malnutrition in the elderly population, causes this change.
  • Stress: Scientists are studying whether long-term stress has a substantial impact on immunity.
  • Immune system disorders:
    • You can be born with a weakened immune system.
    • You may contract a disease that weakens your immune system, like Type 1 Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
    • Your immune system can be too active, like when you have an allergy.
    • It can also, unfortunately, turn against you. These conditions are considered an autoimmune disease. To learn more, click here.

Stay safe and healthy!

If you are experiencing any of these six signs or symptoms seek the help of your doctor immediately as your immune system could be suffering and need help.

Published on December 9th, 2020
By Karina Bettis, School Wellness Intern

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Send your ideas to Krysta Flores at

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