BE KIND Wellness Wednesday – Learning about Self-Care

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

Wellness Wednesday emails are designed to provide you with simple tools, information, and resources to encourage positive and healthy lifestyle choices. As a proud recipient of The Healthy Arizona Worksite Award, The Be Kind People Project is committed to the health and wellness of its employees, friends, and family.


The Be Kind People Project’s Guide to Self-Care

So, you want to get started with self-care but don’t know where to start. We’re here to explain the significance of maintaining a self-care routine and how it affects our mental and physical health.

What is Self-Care?

Self-Care is defined as the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s well-being and happiness during periods of stress. Self-care routines encourage you to make yourself a priority and, in turn, live a healthy life.

Sometimes we think that self-care is “selfish” when it benefits everyone around us! By paying adequate attention to our well-being, we’re not only considering our own needs. We’re reinvigorating ourselves to be the best version of ourselves for the people around us.

Think of it like this, everyone around you also benefits from the renewed energy and joy you exhibit.

Why Do You Need a Self-Care Routine

According to Shelly Tygielski, there are three main reasons why you need a self-care routine.

  1. Customize Your Self-Care Routine. By creating a self-care routine that is specific to you, you are prioritizing your relationship with yourself. You must make time for yourself to be the best version of yourself!
  2. Having a plan takes the guesswork out of what to do. By having a set plan for yourself, you are creating a set routine, and by having a structure in your life, you can eliminate possible stressors.
  3. A Self-Care Plan helps you stay the course. By having a self-care routine, you create healthy habits and ensure that you hold yourself accountable.

Different Types of Self-Care

It is essential to understand the different kinds of self-care and decide which one works best for you. The top three categories of self-care are emotional, physical, and mental.

  • Emotional: Activities that help you regulate, connect, and healthily process your emotions. Examples include journaling, meditation, or affirmations.
  • Physical: Activities that enhance physical well-being like going for a walk or taking a Zumba class, taking a relaxing bath, or even dancing to your favorite song!
  • Mental: Activities stimulating your mind like listening to a podcast, reading a book, or trying a new hobby.

How to Create a Self-Care Routine 

Authors Note: Here is an example of a self-care routine I like to use to help me maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle.

  • 9 am – Taking my dog Dolley for a morning walk so we both can get fresh air and exercise
  • 11 am – Making a healthy balanced lunch with my daily coffee (My morning/afternoon coffee is a self-care step I never skip)
  • 6:30 pm – Taking my dog Dolley for an evening walk
  • 8:30 pm – Spending 30 minutes on my skincare routine (I enjoy taking time to care for my skin, it helps relieve any stress that I have)
  • 9:00 pm – Getting a good night’s rest (I need at least 8 hours of sleep)

Creating a self-care routine can be intimidating, but hopefully that this example can help you create a practice that is tailored just for you!

Published on November 17, 2021
By Maria Kirley, School Wellness Programs & Events Intern

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